Scott Cooper’s film The Pale Blue Eye presents a haunting tale of death, loss, and the futility of justice. The story revolves around Augustus Landor, a renowned investigator, and West Point Cadet Edgar Allan Poe, as they navigate a series of murders at West Point. Augustus’s daughter Mattie had gone missing, and her death weighs heavily on his shoulders. Edgar’s observations of this information spark a chain of events that ultimately reveal the truth about Mattie’s fate. Poe awakens one night and confronts Augustus, revealing that Mattie was assaulted by the soldiers who later died and she took her own life in front of her father.
Traumatized and seeking revenge, Augustus begins killing the soldiers, but in reality, he is the prime suspect from the start. The revelation of this truth brings tears to both men’s eyes as they come to terms with the unbearable weight of their shared loss. Augustus’s confession is met with sympathy and understanding from Edgar, who burns the notes that could bring Augustus to justice. The characters are forever changed, and their bond is forever tainted by the secrets they now share.
The film’s conclusion is a poignant meditation on the futility of justice and the bleak realities of human suffering. Despite Edgar’s promise not to turn Augustus in, the weight of their shared secret will forever poison their relationship. Augustus’s pilgrimage to the site of Mattie’s death, where he releases her ribbon into the wind, is a powerful symbol of his acceptance of the unresolvable nature of their tragedy.
Through the characters’ experiences, the film drives home the reality that trauma and loss can lead to devastating consequences, and that justice is often elusive. The film’s bleak outlook on the human condition serves as a necessary reminder of the complexities and cruelties that we often try to avoid confronting. As the characters struggle to come to terms with their losses and the futility of seeking justice, the film presents a haunting critique of the human condition.
The exploration of trauma and loss is a powerful commentary on the devastating consequences that can result from such experiences. Despite the presence of justice, the film suggests that the aftermath of trauma can be overwhelming, and that the pursuit of justice may ultimately be futile in the face of human suffering.