The critically acclaimed series “The Cleaning Lady” has garnered a loyal fan base with its unique blend of drama, action, and crime, leading Fox to renew the show for a third season. The show, based on the Argentine series “La Chica Que Limpia,” follows the story of Thony De La Rosa, a former surgeon living in Las Vegas on an expired visa with her young son Luca. As a crime scene cleaner, Thony must navigate this new reality while balancing her desire to make ends meet and protect Luca, struggling with the moral implications of her actions.
The show’s second season averaged over five million viewers per episode, making it an easy decision for the network to renew. Creator Miranda Kwok will remain on board as an executive producer and co-showrunner alongside new co-showrunner and executive producer Jeannine Renshaw. Renshaw praised the show’s cast, led by Élodie Yung, and its creative team for crafting a highly compelling and emotionally-driven story that offers a unique perspective on television. The show’s success can be attributed to its strong performances, particularly Yung’s portrayal of Thony De La Rosa.
The show’s ability to balance drama, action, and crime has proven to be a winning formula, and Fox’s decision to renew the show is a testament to its ability to charm audiences. With Renshaw on board, the show is expected to continue its upward trajectory, further exploring the complex characters and themes that have made it a fan favorite. Chairman and CEO of Warner Bros. Television Group, Channing Dungey, praised “The Cleaning Lady” as a “gripping and masterful tale of a mother who will do anything for her child.” Dungey expressed gratitude to Fox for providing a platform for the show to thrive.
The release window for the third season has not been announced, but with Renshaw on board, the creative team is expected to push the boundaries of storytelling. The show’s renewal is a testament to its popularity and its ability to capture audiences, and fans can expect more of the same gripping drama and suspense in the future.