Freaky, a 2020 horror film directed by Christopher Landon, is a refreshing take on the traditional slasher genre. The movie tells the story of Millie, a teenage girl who is stabbed with an Aztec dagger and wakes up in the body of the notorious Blissfield Butcher, a serial killer. As Millie navigates her new male body, she must confront her inner demons and learn to open up to loved ones while avoiding death.
The film is set in a high school where bullies and monsters are born. Millie’s experience is no exception, as she is surrounded by bullies, including her older sister Char, who despises their mother’s overprotectiveness. Her best friends, Josh and Nyla, offer support, but Josh’s sarcasm and Nyla’s introversion can only do so much. Millie’s father’s death weighs heavily on her, and the body swap serves as a metaphor for her feelings of personal misplacement.
As Millie navigates her new male body, she begins to channel the killer instinct, using her vulnerable appearance to her advantage. Vince Vaughn brings a terrifying presence to the Butcher, and Kathryn Newton’s performance is both charming and chilling. The film’s campy tone is evident in the use of red, a motif that appears throughout the movie. The vibrant cinematography and perfectly paced score add to the overall tension and suspense.
The kills in Freaky are elaborate and memorable, particularly the one involving a cryotherapy tank and a chainsaw. But what sets the film apart is its focus on inner demons and the importance of opening oneself up to loved ones. Millie must learn to confront her feelings and let go of her grief in order to move forward. The film’s ending is satisfying, as Millie emerges victorious, having evolved for the better.
Director Christopher Landon, who also directed Happy Death Day, has proven his ability to create unique and quirky premises while also exploring deeper themes and emotions. Freaky joins Happy Death Day in showcasing Landon’s blend of thrills, emotional depth, and quirky character developments. Kathryn Newton’s performance as Millie adds her own distinct entry to the pantheon of Final Girls and slashers.
Despite its underwhelming response, Freaky is a standout in the slasher genre, thanks to its unique premise, memorable kills, and strong emotional component. The film offers a fresh and thrilling take on the traditional slasher film that fans of the genre won’t want to miss. Freaky’s success can be attributed to its ability to balance thrills and emotional depth, making it a must-watch for fans of the genre.