Michael Landon’s work on Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie often overlapped, with several episodes borrowing plots and themes from his earlier series. One particular example is the “A Matter of…” episode, which was lifted from Bonanza to Little House on the Prairie with significant changes. The Bonanza episode, titled “A Matter of Circumstance,” aired in 1970 and centered around Little Joe Cartwright’s near-death experience after being trampled by his horse. The infection spreads quickly, and Joe resorts to amputating his hand to save his life.
Six years later, the Little House on the Prairie episode, titled “A Matter of Faith,” echoed the same plot, but this time focusing on Caroline Ingalls. After cutting her leg, Caroline becomes infected and sets out to amputate the affected limb inspired by her Bible reading. While both episodes share a similar premise, the Little House episode adds emotional depth and weight to the story by centering it on a maternal figure.
The similarities between the two episodes are striking, with B.W. Sandefur, the same screenwriter, penning both scripts. The director, William F. Claxton, also worked on both episodes. The tension and suspense in both episodes are palpable, with the camera work conveying the protagonists’ discomfort and desperation.
What makes “A Matter of Faith” stand out is its focus on Caroline, a character often relegated to the sidelines. Karen Grassle’s performance brings a new level of emotional nuance to the character, showcasing her strength and vulnerability in the face of adversity. The episode’s conclusion, where Caroline decides to amputate her leg based on scriptural guidance, is a powerful moment that underscores her character development.

A Still From ‘Little House’ Show (Photo: Little House)
The success of “A Matter of Faith” lies in its ability to reimagine a familiar story in a fresh and emotionally resonant way. The episode’s themes of perseverance, courage, and maternal love resonate deeply, making it a compelling addition to the Little House on the Prairie series. The connection between Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie serves as a testament to Michael Landon’s creative genius and his ability to weave narratives that transcend genres.
Despite the similarities between the two episodes, they remain distinct and faithful to their respective series. Bonanza’s focus on the Cartwright family’s adventures in the Wild West is different from Little House on the Prairie’s emphasis on the Ingalls family’s experiences in the American Midwest. Yet, the two shows share a common thread – the exploration of human strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
The overlap between Bonanza and Little House on the Prairie is not limited to “A Matter of…” episodes. Michael Landon adapted several Bonanza episodes for Little House on the Prairie, often reworking plots and themes to fit his new series. These remakes served as a testament to Landon’s creative vision and his ability to reinterpret familiar stories for new audiences.