In the heartwarming holiday film, Danny DeVito stars alongside his daughter Lucy DeVito in “A Sudden Case for Christmas,” a romantic comedy that celebrates love, family, and the true meaning of Christmas. Set in the picturesque mountains of Italy, the story follows Lawrence, a charming hotelier, as he hosts his extended family for Christmas each year. However, when his daughter Claire’s parents announce their plans to get divorced, the holiday spirit is put to the test.
As Claire, played by Antonella Rose, struggles to come to terms with her parents’ separation, she demands that they have Christmas celebrations in August instead of December. With the help of her grandparents from both sides, Claire, Claire’s mother (Lucy DeVito), and father (Wilmer Valderrama), and Lawrence, they plan a series of activities to reconcile the couple.
The film’s producers, Guglielmo Marchetti and Stefano Bethlen of Notorious Pictures, and Nik Bower of Riverstone Pictures, praise the film as a heartwarming and fun, watchable experience that showcases the true meaning of love and family. The film’s title, “A Sudden Case for Christmas,” is a fitting description of the story, which takes an unexpected turn as the characters come together to celebrate the holiday season.
The cast, which includes Danny DeVito, Lucy DeVito, Andie MacDowell, Wilmer Valderrama, and José Zúñiga, has extensive credits in film and television. Danny DeVito is perhaps best known for his role as Frank Reynolds in the hit TV show “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” while Andie MacDowell has had a successful acting and modeling career. Wilmer Valderrama is known for his roles in “That ’70s Show” and “NCIS.”
The film is set to premiere at the Cannes film festival, but a release date has not been announced. For those eager to get into the holiday spirit, “A Sudden Case for Christmas” promises to be a joyous celebration of love, family, and the beauty of the Italian mountains.