Dave Filoni’s work on Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels has expanded the Star Wars mythology, adding layers to the galaxy far, far away. His tendency to incorporate characters from the Expanded Universe, such as Abeloth, a malevolent being from the Expanded Universe, could potentially make a return in future Star Wars projects, possibly including Ahsoka Season 2. Abeloth’s origins are tied to the popular Mortis Arc of The Clone Wars, which delved deep into the nature of the Force, exploring the spiritual elements that Filoni would later revisit in Rebels.
Abeloth began her life as a simple human woman until she became part of the Force trio consisting of the Father, the Son, and the Daughter. As The Mother, she kept the peace between the Son and the Daughter, bringing balance to the Force. However, she was still mortal, and in an effort to transcend her human body, Abeloth drank from the Font of Power while also bathing in the Pool of Knowledge. This had an unfortunate side effect: Abeloth became corrupted, and now is locked in an eternal battle with the Son and the Daughter.
Abeloth’s malevolent being was freed when Jacen Solo fell to the dark side and became Darth Caedus. She started to prey upon Jedi and Sith alike, luring multiple Force users to the Maw, a cluster of black holes where she had been imprisoned. She even took on the form of a Galactic Senator and won election as Chief of State of the Galactic Alliance. Luke Skywalker joined forces with Sith and Jedi to crush Abeloth, but she survived their encounter, targeting Luke’s son Ben and his Sith lover Vestara Khai as replacements for the Son and the Daughter. Abeloth was finally defeated by Luke, but not before he was convinced of her ultimate defeat.

A Still From Star Wars (Via IMDB)
Filoni has already explored the nature of the Force, tapping into the spiritual elements that he would later revisit in Rebels. The Mortis Trilogy, comprising “Overlords,” “Altars of Mortis,” and “Ghosts of Mortis,” showcases Filoni’s ability to delve deep into philosophical matters, a rarity in animated series, especially those based on popular movie franchises. The trilogy played a role in Filoni’s other Star Wars projects, including Rebels, where Ezra Bridger discovers a mural depicting the Father/Son/Daughter at the Jedi Temple. Ahsoka encounters a similar mural in the series premiere.
Abeloth’s return would not be the first time a character from the old Expanded Universe made it into the new canon: Grand Admiral Thrawn served as the antagonist of a trilogy of novels before being brought into Star Wars Rebels. With Filoni slated to direct a movie that will tie together events from Ahsoka as well as The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett, it would require a major threat to bring these heroes together. Abeloth, as the living embodiment of the dark side of the Force, makes sense as a major antagonist in future Star Wars projects.