In 1995, Pixar’s Toy Story became a massive success, revolutionizing animation and storytelling. The movie’s hero, Woody, was voiced by none other than Tom Hanks’ brother, Jim Hanks. While Tom Hanks was already a megastar, Jim Hanks, five years younger, found his niche as an actor and look-alike of his famous brother.
Jim Hanks began voicing Woody for toys in 1994, even before the first movie was released. Disney, in a partnership with Pixar at the time, approached Jim after noticing his uncanny resemblance to Tom Hanks and asked if he could do the voice. It was an easy decision for Jim, who has since become an integral part of the Toy Story franchise.
Jim Hanks had to adapt his voice to match Tom Hanks’ portrayal of Woody. Despite some differences in their voices, Jim managed to create an impression of Tom Hanks yelling at his kid, which became an integral part of Woody’s character. This allowed Woody toys to have a consistent voice, even when Tom Hanks wasn’t available for recordings.
Aside from voicing toys, Jim Hanks also provided Woody’s voice for Disney on Ice shows and various merchandise. He had to over-enunciate his words to ensure that Woody’s voice could be heard clearly in large arenas and through toys.
Tom Hanks has spoken proudly of his brother’s contributions to the Toy Story franchise. Jim Hanks’ work as Woody has made him just as integral to the character as Tom Hanks is, understanding Woody’s personality and speaking to fans as if he were their favorite teacher.
Jim Hanks has been an essential part of the Toy Story franchise, providing a consistent voice for Woody in various merchandise and shows. His impression of Tom Hanks’ voice has allowed fans to enjoy the same Woody they’ve come to love, whether it’s through movies, toys, or live shows.