DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming film, The Wild Robot, promises a heartwarming tale of acceptance and friendship, set to release on September 27, 2024. Directed by legendary animator Chris Sanders, this animated drama follows the journey of Roz, a helpful robot who finds herself stranded on a deserted island amidst a thriving wildlife community.
Roz, programmed to aid anyone in need, encounters skepticism and fear from the island’s indigenous creatures, leading to numerous humorous and perilous encounters with raccoons, bears, and even a sly fox. Despite the initial rejection, Roz diligently adapts to the island’s ecosystem and even learns to understand the various animal languages.
During her journey, Roz accidentally destroys a goose’s nest, unintentionally becoming the guardian of the orphaned gosling, Brightbill. The film explores Roz’s struggle to protect and guide the young gosling as they navigate the wilderness together.
The Wild Robot features a stunning visual style, reminiscent of DreamWorks’ previous successes like Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. With impressive voice performances by Lupita Nyong’o and a talented supporting cast, the film promises emotional moments and heartfelt storytelling.