In of Westeros, the dragons of House Targaryen have a profound history, and Meraxes played a vital role in the conquest of the continent. The dragons of House Targaryen, particularly Meraxes, were instrumental in the conquest of Westeros by Aegon and his siblings.
The showrunners of House of the Dragon have consistently showcased their creativity in revitalizing the dragons of House Targaryen, the last surviving dragon riders of the Valyrian Empire, who came to rule Westeros when Aegon I, called the Conqueror, and his two sister-wives, Visenya and Rhaenys, used them to conquer six of the continent’s seven kingdoms into one nation. Fans of House of the Dragon get to witness Visenya’s dragon, Vhagar, in all her glory as the oldest and largest of the living dragons during the reign of King Viserys I.
However, there is little information regarding Rhaenys’ dragon, Meraxes. During the premiere of the first episode of House of the Dragon’s second season, “A Son for a Son,” a dragon skull briefly appeared in the background of Dragonstone. Given its size and how it parallels Balerion’s skull in King’s Landing, there is a strong chance that this skull belongs to Meraxes. As audiences try to recover from the episode’s shocking ending, it is as good a time as ever to explore the third Targaryen dragon, what she and her rider accomplished, and their fate and legacy in the series.
Rhaenys and her dragon, Meraxes, played a vital role in the conquest of Westeros. Rhaenys was born the third child of Aerion Targaryen, Lord of Dragonstone. To keep their Valyrian bloodline pure, the Targaryens had a habit of marrying brother to sister. Aegon took this a step further by also marrying Rhaenys out of love. Before their marriage, Rhaenys claimed Meraxes, the second-largest of the three Targaryen dragons.

Dragons of House of the Dragon (Photo: House of the Dragon)
When Aegon launched his invasion of Westeros, Rhaenys and Meraxes campaigned south of his landing site, which would eventually become the city of King’s Landing. They first subdued the local lords to join Aegon’s cause before accompanying Aegon’s best friend and trusted advisor, Orys Baratheon, against the Storm King Argilac of House Durrandon. Rhaenys and Meraxes provided aerial reconnaissance for Orys’ army, allowing him to set up a strong position on a hill for a battle that would be called the Last Storm.
After many battles, Aegon decided to finish what he started and claim Dorne. Rhaenys and Meraxes led the first assault, but the Dornish left their strongholds and avoided open combat. Aegon tried to claim this as a victory anyway and set up his own lords to govern the region. However, once the dragons were gone, the Dornish re-emerged and killed Aegon’s lords and garrisons.
Meraxes’ death was as brutal as it was unexpected. Six years into the conflict, Rhaenys and Meraxes attacked the Dornish castle of Hellholt. However, the Dornish had begun to fortify their castles with massive ballistae called Scorpions. One of these Scorpions shot Meraxes through the eye, sending her and her rider crashing to the ground.
The legacy of Rhaenys and Meraxes is profound, with Rhaenys’ bloodline continuing the Targaryen dynasty to Daenerys. Her great-great-granddaughter would also be named Rhaenys and dubbed the Queen Who Never Was. Despite her untimely death, Rhaenys’ existence still holds symbolism in the show, representing the importance of the Targaryen bloodline.