The season finale of Doctor Who left viewers puzzled about the fate of Ruby Sunday, the latest companion of the Fifteenth Doctor. Despite the revelation about her mother’s identity, Ruby’s powers and background remained shrouded in mystery, sparking speculation about her return and potential departure. Contrary to the conclusion that Ruby and the Doctor would part ways, fans are left wondering if this is the end of her journey with the Doctor or just the beginning.
The finale saw the Doctor acknowledging that Ruby’s presence was no longer feasible, yet the numerous unsolved mysteries surrounding her character make it difficult to accept this conclusion. Ruby’s ability to induce snow, her mysterytic past, and the hidden song within her all demand further exploration. Her character is a complex and intriguing aspect of the show, and not fully going into her abilities and backstory could lead to feelings of dissatisfaction.
As the show’s creator, Russell T. Davies, is known for not fully explaining the truth behind Doctor Who’s mysteries, fans are curious whether this time the show will make an exception. With a Christmas special on the horizon, audiences may finally get some answers about Ruby’s origins and abilities. The revelation that Ruby’s mother was a normal person who had to give her away raises more questions than it answers, leaving room for the show to address this lack of clarity before moving on to the next villain.

A Still From Season Finale of Doctor Who (Photo: Doctor Who)
Gibson’s return for the next season is comforting, as Ruby Sunday still has much to offer the show. The season finale established that Ruby’s mother was significant to her only because Ruby found meaning in their relationship. However, Ruby’s powers and connection to the universe remain unexplained, leaving fans wondering what it means to be “normal” in the context of Doctor Who. The show has always made it clear that traveling with the Doctor is dangerous, and companions have indeed suffered terrible consequences. Ruby’s fate is uncertain, with the possibility of her death looming, but a more optimistic outcome could see Ruby making an arrangement with the Doctor, allowing her to leave on her own terms.
As the new season approaches, fans can only speculate about what lies ahead for Ruby Sunday. Will the show finally address the mysteries surrounding her character, or will they remain unsolved? With the next season currently available for streaming on Disney+, viewers are eager to find out what’s in store for Ruby Sunday and the Doctor.