Willa Fitzgerald, known for her charming performances in horror series, joins forces with modern horror icon Kyle Gallner in her latest venture, Strange Darling. Directed by JT Mollner, this horror-thriller delves into the twisted tale of two mysterious characters, The Lady and The Demon, whose intense one-night stand rapidly spirals out of control, descending into a violent game of cat-and-mouse. As the plot unfolds, it becomes clear that a one-night stand has unexpectedly transformed into a serial killer’s murder spree.
The film boasts an impressive cast, featuring talented actors such as Barbara Hershey, Ed Begley Jr., Steven Michael Quezada, Madisen Beaty, Bianca A. Santos, Denise Grayson, Eugenia Kuzmina, Giovanni Ribisi, and Robert Craighead. The original score is composed by Craig DeLeon, while Ribisi handles the cinematography, shot entirely on 35mm film. Ribisi’s visual expertise showcases a stunning look into the twisted world of Strange Darling.
Strange Darling has been met with widespread critical acclaim for its innovative take on the serial killer trope, gripping storyline, and standout lead performances. The first trailer, released in June, showcased the film’s visually striking sequences, while a second trailer released in August features a quote from horror legend Stephen King, who describes the film as “a clever masterpiece”. King’s endorsement has significantly boosted anticipation surrounding the film’s release. With its impressive ensemble cast, stunning visuals, and charming storyline, Strange Darling is shaping up to be one of the most anticipated horror releases of the year.