Reginald Hargreeves, the adoptive father of the Hargreeves children, is an emotionally manipulative and cruel individual who deserves the Worst Father award. Throughout the series, the siblings struggle to come to terms with their dysfunctional childhood and the horrors inflicted upon them by their adoptive father.
One of the biggest ways Reginald manipulates the children is by making them believe they are responsible for Ben’s death. However, the truth is that Reginald himself shot Ben to prevent an apocalypse, and then brainwashed the siblings into thinking they were to blame. This artificial guilt and shame have had a profound impact on the siblings, causing them to question their abilities and grow up with immense emotional trauma.
Reginald also abandoned Luther on the moon, leaving him stranded and isolated for years. This emotional trauma has left Luther insecure about his body and struggling to cope with his past. The fact that Reginald never shows any remorse or concern for his children’s well-being is a testament to his selfish and manipulative nature.

Reginald Hargreeves
Even in the finale, Reginald’s actions are driven by his own self-interest rather than any genuine concern for the well-being of the children. Despite trying to stop the apocalypse, his motives are ultimately self-serving, and he has no qualms about ordering his men to shoot Ben again. The show’s attempt to provide Reginald with a redemption arc is laughable, as there is no evidence in the series to suggest that he is capable of change or has a good side.
Reginald’s manipulation and cruelty towards the children have had a lasting impact on their lives, and his legacy is one of emotional trauma and dysfunction. The show’s exploration of the Hargreeves’ childhood and their struggles to come to terms with their past is what makes them relatable and lovable to fans. However, Reginald’s character serves as a stark reminder of the harm that can be inflict upon children, and the lasting consequences of his cruel actions.