Superman, the iconic DC superhero, has been around since 1933, and his numerous adventures have showcased some incredible powers that have cemented his place as one of the strongest superheroes ever created. Aside from his well-known abilities like flight and heat vision, writers have given the Man of Steel other powers that range from the cool to the puzzling. This article highlights the most distinctive powers that Superman hardly ever uses, with some appearing only once and others making a few appearances without ever becoming a staple of his collection.
One of these powers is Throwing His Chest Symbol, which was first seen in Superman II (1980). When General Zod attacks the Fortress of Solitude, Superman rips a copy of the S symbol from his chest and throws it at Non, trapping him. However, this power is never explained and has never been seen again. Another power is Super-Caller-ID, which allowed Superman to know who was calling his phone whenever it rang. This ability may have been useful in the 1950s and 1960s, but is now more than useless and delightfully absurd.

Christopher Reeve as Superman (Image via Getty)
Time Travel is another power that Superman has demonstrated, first in a comic where he wanted to see what a timeline would look like if he’d been a disc jockey. He later used it for more dire circumstances, but doesn’t use it nearly as much anymore due to its broken and overpowered nature. Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) showcased the Man of Steel’s Great Wall of China Vision, which allowed him to manifest the immediate repair of the ancient wall by simply looking at the destruction. However, this power is never explained and has never been seen again.
These forgotten powers offer a look into the wide range of abilities that Superman has demonstrated over the years, and while some may be more useful than others, they are all an integral part of what makes the Man of Steel such an iconic and beloved character.