Despite Nick D’s genuine expressions of love and admiration for Hannah, her insecurities about her appearance and their height difference continued to plague their relationship. From the start, Hannah struggled to trust her connection with Nick D, citing her concerns that he might leave her once they met in person. These doubts only intensified when she compared him to her ideal physical type, which, unsurprisingly, didn’t match Nick D’s reality.
Throughout their relationship, Nick D reiterated his love and appreciation for Hannah, but these reassurances fell on deaf ears. Instead, Hannah focused on trivial aspects of their connection, twisting Nick D’s innocent comments to fit her narrative of him being shallow and objectifying. When they finally met in person, Hannah was disappointed by Nick D’s appearance, which didn’t live up to her expectations, and her insecurities reached a boiling point.

Hannah and Nick D (Image via Getty)
Despite promising to overcome her doubts, Hannah’s constant judgments and criticisms wore Nick D thin. As their relationship progressed, their interactions were marked by uncomfortable conversations and arguments that revolved around physical appearance, rather than genuine connection or understanding. With more episodes to come, it remains unclear whether Hannah and Nick D’s relationship can overcome these deep-seated insecurities and blossom into a successful partnership. Only time will tell.