The highly anticipated reveal of the mysterytic Stranger’s identity in the second season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power has finally been confirmed, and fans can heave a sigh of relief as it’s revealed that the mysterious figure, played by Daniel Weyman, is indeed none other than Gandalf the Grey. The show’s willingness to take creative liberties with the original material has led to a logical and reassuring conclusion, underscoring the Wizard’s direct ties to the rings and the most logical choice for the Stranger’s identity.
The Stranger’s introduction in Middle-earth had fans eagerly speculating about his true identity, with some perhaps hoping for an alternative outcome. However, the showrunners’ choice is understandable, given Gandalf’s recognizable name and significant role in The Lord of the Rings. The reveal also raises questions about the show’s approach to multiple names, a concept that is deeply rooted in J.R.R. Tolkien’s legendarium. Characters often have multiple names, reflecting their different cultures and languages, and the audience may refer to the Stranger as Gandalf, but the characters in the show don’t have to. Galadriel can call him Mithrandir, and the Dwarves can use their own name for him, Tharkûn.

A Still From The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power (Via IMDB)
This has the potential to delve deeper into the world-building and create a richer, more immersive experience for viewers. As the show moves forward, it’s crucial that the writers make the most of this reveal and explore the complexities of Gandalf’s character, offering fans closure on this multi-season mystery. The show’s willingness to experiment with continuity is admirable, and the reveal of the Stranger’s identity is a welcome development that will undoubtedly shape the direction of the series moving forward. With this mystery now solved, fans can look forward to a more focused and exciting journey through Middle-earth, as the show continues to unfold the story of The Rings of Power.