The series finale of the popular drama Yellowstone aired Sunday, drawing 11.4 million viewers across the Paramount Network and CMT, Paramount announced Tuesday. The finale set a series record for episodes watched live on these two platforms, marking a peak after viewership steadily climbed throughout the final season.
Using data from Nielsen competitor VideoAmp, Paramount Global reported that the series finale achieved a viewership high for episodes aired exclusively on the two cable networks.
It was consistent with other highly-rated episodes from the second half of the fifth and final season. The 11.4 million viewers counted reflect those who watched live and on the same day the episode aired.
Earlier in December, Paramount revealed that the mid-season premiere of Yellowstone, which debuted on November 10, was watched by 16.4 million viewers across an eight-network simulcast. This total includes the initial airing, encore presentations, and an additional broadcast on CBS. The return of season 5 marked the first new episode of Yellowstone since January 2023.
The first four episodes of the second half of season 5, aired between November 10 and December 1, averaged 11.4 million viewers each on Paramount Network and CMT within three days of airing.
The resurgence of Yellowstone significantly boosted Paramount’s share of total TV usage, as tracked by Nielsen’s media distribution gauge. The network accounted for 9.3% of TV usage in November, a jump from 8.7% in October.
Since September, contracts between Paramount Global and Nielsen have expired, and Paramount has been relying on VideoAmp data for viewership reporting. Nielsen tracked ratings for the first five-and-a-half seasons of the show.
What To Watch For
The Yellowstone universe continues to expand. The second season of 1923, starring Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren, is set to premiere on Sunday, February 23. Another spinoff, The Madison, currently in production, will feature Michelle Pfeiffer as both star and executive producer.
Rumors persist about a potential spinoff centered on Rip and Beth Dutton, though the network has not confirmed this series. However, the season 5 finale strongly hinted at the possibility.
Paramount has also announced additional projects from Yellowstone producer Taylor Sheridan, including 1944, a sequel to 1923, and 2024, a post-Yellowstone series with new characters and settings. Additionally, a spinoff titled 6666, focused on a West Texas ranch, is in development.
Key Background
Yellowstone, the Paramount Network’s inaugural scripted drama series, centers on the Dutton family and their sprawling ranch in rural Montana. Kevin Costner starred as John Dutton until his departure after the second half of season 5.
The series, filmed in Montana and Utah, premiered in June 2018 and streams on Peacock, NBC’s streaming service, which acquired the rights in 2020. Most of the franchise’s spinoffs, however, are produced for Paramount+, Paramount’s own streaming platform.
The show’s viewership steadily increased with each season, though it received mixed reviews from critics, including for Sunday’s finale. Some praised it as a “beautifully done” conclusion, while others criticized it as the “worst ever.”
Throughout its run, Yellowstone was nominated for several industry awards but won relatively few. Notably, Kevin Costner won Best Actor at the 2023 Golden Globes.