Undeniably, the John Wick franchise has revitalized the action movie genre. Since the 2014 debut film starring Keanu Reeves as the titular assassin, the series has grown into a cultural phenomenon, spawning three sequels, a TV series (The Continental), and an upcoming spinoff movie, Ballerina, set to release in June 2025 and starring Ana de Armas.
However, as the universe of John Wick continues to expand, fans are left wondering: will the iconic character himself ever return for another solo adventure?
In a recent interview, Keanu Reeves shared his thoughts on the possibility of John Wick 5, and the outlook appears uncertain. While the actor has a deep fondness for the franchise, he hinted that another installment featuring John Wick as the central figure may not be feasible—at least for now.
Reeves said, “You can never say never. My knees right now are saying, ‘I can’t do another John Wick.’ So my heart does, but I don’t know if my knees can do it.”
Reeves is currently voicing Shadow in the wildly successful Sonic the Hedgehog 3. During the film’s press tour, the conversation frequently turned to his future with John Wick.
While the trailers for Ballerina confirm Reeves’ appearance as John Wick alongside Ana de Armas, it remains unclear whether he’ll continue with his own standalone films or let the franchise shift its focus to new characters and performers.
For many fans, Ballerina feels like an unofficial John Wick 5. The spinoff centers on de Armas’s character, a new assassin poised to carry on Wick’s legacy.
In a key moment from the trailer, she asks John Wick, “How do I start doing what you do?” to which he replies, “Looks like you already have.” If this marks the end of John Wick’s story, at least he exits by passing the torch to a formidable successor.
From the World of John Wick: Ballerina is set to hit theaters on June 6, 2025.