Boy Swallows Universe is an Australian drama that delves into the lives of a family living in the seedy underbelly of Brisbane’s society in the 1980s. The show is based on Trent Dalton’s novel of the same name and tells the story of two brothers, Eli and Gus, who are living with their mother, Frankie, and her husband, Lyle, a down-on-his-luck drug dealer. Despite the challenges they face, the bond between the brothers and their mother remains strong, and they work together to overcome their struggles.
The show’s unique blend of crime and mystery elements is matched by its exploration of the familial bond that keeps the Bell family together. The brothers’ love and trust for each other is a powerful force that helps them navigate the difficult circumstances of their lives. Through their relationships with one another, the family is able to find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
The show’s finale wraps up the story in a satisfying way, with Eli and Caitlyn uncovering the truth about the murders and the sinister activities of the philanthropist, Tytus Broz. The climactic scene at the Queensland Champion Awards ceremony brings the story full circle, as Eli exposes Broz’s crimes and Kroll is killed by Gus. The final scene shows Eli recovering in the hospital, surrounded by his family and friends, a testament to the enduring bonds of family and friendship.
Boy Swallows Universe is an excellent adaptation of Dalton’s novel, bringing the story to life with a strong cast of characters and a gripping narrative. The show’s exploration of the complexities of the human condition, particularly in the context of family relationships, is powerful and moving. With its unique blend of crime and drama, Boy Swallows Universe is a must-watch for fans of the genre.