The classic British comedy Shameless, which originally aired on Channel 4 from 2004 to 2013, is getting a new lease on life on BritBox. Seasons six to nine of the show are set to premiere in November, bringing the misadventures of the working-class Gallagher family back to audiences. The series, created and executive produced by Paul Abbott, follows the lives of Frank, Fiona, Lip, Ian, Carl, Debbie, and Liam as they navigate the challenges of poverty, social upheaval, and personal struggles in the fictional Chatsworth council estate in Manchester.
The show is known for its witty dialogue, biting humor, and poignant portrayal of the struggles faced by the working class. The series has boasted an impressive cast, including David Threlfall, Annabelle Apsion, Maggie O’Neill, and James McAvoy, among others. For fans of the show, the news of Shameless UK coming to BritBox is a welcome development, as it marks the first time the series has been made available outside of the UK since its original run.
While all seasons of Shameless UK will not be available on BritBox, the announcement of the show on the streaming platform is a testament to its enduring popularity and influence. The series has spawned multiple international adaptations, including the U.S. version, which aired on Showtime for a decade, and Turkish and Russian versions, which premiered in 2017. With its unique blend of humor, drama, and social commentary, Shameless UK is sure to delight audiences once again.
Fans of the show who are eager to catch up on the earlier seasons may want to stream the American adaptation of Shameless on Netflix, which is available in its entirety. The arrival of Shameless UK on BritBox is a cause for celebration among fans of the show, and the new home of the dysfunctional Gallagher clan is sure to bring laughter and tears to audiences for years to come.