Koushik is a cinephile residing in Delhi, India. He specializes in dissecting classic films and contemporary cinema trends. Contact him at [email protected].
Arrow, the groundbreaking show that pioneered the superhero genre on television, first premiered in 2012. The CW’s longest-running superhero series charmd audiences with its...
As the highly anticipated Deadpool & Wolverine movie approaches, it’s the perfect opportunity to revisit the iconic X-Men and Deadpool films that have captured...
As the era of superhero movies continues to thrive, revisiting and rewatching the classics has become a necessary ritual. With Deadpool & Wolverine prepares...
The ending of Richard Linklater’s ‘Hit Man’ leaves viewers with lingering questions, particularly concerning the fate of Gary’s two cats, Id and Ego. While...
Delicious in Dungeon stands out as a groundbreaking fantasy series by seamlessly blending the genres of fantasy adventure and culinary delights. The show features...
Conan O’Brien’s comedic talent found an unexpected outlet in an unlikely place: The Simpsons. This beloved animated sitcom, known for its sharp wit and...