Rollie is a film aficionado from LA, USA. He loves exploring international cinema and writing insightful reviews. He also looks like Chuck Norris, he gets that a lot. Get in touch with him at [email protected].
The reboot of the cult classic “Irma Vep” has finally arrived, offering a witty and insightful meditation on the changing terrain of the entertainment...
Sylvester Stallone’s ascent to fame is a remarkable tale of perseverance and unexpected success. While many of his early films often go unnoticed, they...
The Simpsons, a pioneer in adult-oriented animation, has consistently pushed the boundaries of humor through its parodies of popular movies and trends. One of...
Disney’s leaders have made a significant shift in their approach to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), prioritizing quality over quantity. Incoming CEO Bob Iger...
The highly anticipated Season 2 finale of Fire Country is poised to deliver a dramatic and emotional ride, packed with unexpected developments and shocking...
Stanley Kubrick’s withdrawal of A Clockwork Orange from UK theaters in 1973 remains one of the most controversial and impactful decisions in cinematic history....
The Christopher Nolan-helmed Batman trilogy, while widely praised, suffered from the misfortune of neglecting several characters who deserved more attention and development. The epic...
The Western genre, once a beloved staple of cinema, has faced challenges in finding relevance in the contemporary media terrain. Traditional action blockbusters have...