Alejandro González Iñárritu and Tom Cruise are set to make a significant mark on the fall 2026 movie season. Their highly anticipated untitled feature...
Undeniably, the John Wick franchise has revitalized the action movie genre. Since the 2014 debut film starring Keanu Reeves as the titular assassin, the...
Chris Columbus has finally addressed the long-debated mystery surrounding the McCallister family’s finances — specifically, how they could afford their impressive home and lavish...
Sony has reportedly decided to cancel plans for further Spider-Man spinoff movies in its Sony Spider-Man Universe (SSU). This decision comes after multiple box...
Sony Pictures has revealed the first teaser for 28 Years Later, the much-anticipated sequel to Danny Boyle’s iconic zombie apocalypse series. The teaser opts...
Anya Taylor-Joy and Miles Teller ignite chemistry in their latest survival-action film, The Gorge, a high-stakes thriller set to premiere on February 14 on...
Sabrina Carpenter and Barry Keoghan will always have “Please Please Please.” The couple has decided to part ways after one year of dating, according...
In the debut trailer for The Salt Path, Jason Isaacs and Gillian Anderson powerfully portray a couple enduring immense challenges, yet continuing to move...