The future of the James Bond franchise remains uncertain as a result of a growing conflict between the series’ longtime producer, Barbara Broccoli, and...
When director Barry Jenkins approached Lin-Manuel Miranda about composing the songs for Mufasa, Disney’s upcoming photorealistic prequel to the 2019 Lion King remake, Miranda...
The inspiring yet ultimately tragic story of EDM superstar Tim Bergling, known globally as Avicii, will debut on Netflix on December 31, 2024. Avicii,...
Get swept into a colorful and heartwarming adventure with Studio Ponoc’s upcoming film, The Imaginary. Directed by the visionary behind Grave of the Fireflies,...
Among the highly-rated titles, “Dune: Part Two” (8.6/10) stands out as a sci-fi epic that surpasses its predecessor in every way. “Spider-Man: Across the...
French filmmaker Claire Denis is known for her naturalistic filmmaking style and insightful reflections on life, colonialism, and womanhood. In a recent interview, she...
Disney has found its lead actress for the live-action Moana remake in Catherine Laga’aia, who will portray the titular heroine. Joining her is Dwayne...
Producer Jerry Bruckheimer, who has helmed the Top Gun franchise since its inception, has shared some disappointing news regarding a follow-up to the hugely...
Former Marvel star Jonathan Majors, who faced a significant career setback following his conviction for harassing and assaulting his former girlfriend, is set to...
As fans eagerly await the first live-action DCU project from James Gunn and Peter Safran’s revamped comic book franchise, the excitement is palpable for...
Marvel Studios’ reboot of “Blade” has hit another hurdle as it searches for its third director following Yann Demange’s departure from the project. Initially...