The series finale of the popular drama Yellowstone aired Sunday, drawing 11.4 million viewers across the Paramount Network and CMT, Paramount announced Tuesday. The...
The world’s most iconic fictional Top Gun has officially been recognized as a distinguished naval figure. Tom Cruise received the U.S. Navy’s highest civilian...
Marissa Bode, star of Wicked, has addressed the negative comments and jokes circulating online about her character Nessarose’s disability, describing them as “aggressive,” “very...
Bruce Willis’ family is embracing gratitude this Thanksgiving season. On Thursday, Nov. 28, Willis’ daughters Tallulah and Scout shared heartwarming photos on Instagram featuring...
The first trailer for Inheritance, the upcoming film starring Bridgerton’s Phoebe Dynevor, has been revealed, offering a thrilling look into the action-packed adventure. In...
Netflix has revealed the full-length trailer for its upcoming Harlan Coben adaptation, Missing You. The trailer introduces Rosalind Eleazar (Slow Horses) as Kat Donovan,...