The series finale of the popular drama Yellowstone aired Sunday, drawing 11.4 million viewers across the Paramount Network and CMT, Paramount announced Tuesday. The...
Sony Pictures has joined forces with Studio CHIZU and Nippon TV to co-produce and co-finance Scarlet, the latest animated feature from Academy Award-nominated Japanese...
The future of the James Bond franchise remains uncertain as a result of a growing conflict between the series’ longtime producer, Barbara Broccoli, and...
Batman’s no-kill rule has been a cornerstone of his iconic character since its inception, and its significance has been explored and expanded upon by...
Lily Gladstone stars as Cam Bentland, a police investigator tasked with solving the disappearance of 14-year-old Reena Virk in the upcoming Hulu series Under...
The concept of spice has charmd science fiction audiences in two iconic franchises, Frank Herbert’s Dune and George Lucas’s Star Wars. Both franchises utilize...
Jimmy Presnell’s tumultuous love life has been under the microscope, and his former partner Jess Vestal is shedding light on the toxic relationship they...
Kyle MacLachlan’s iconic portrayal of FBI special agent Dale Cooper in the 1990s television series Twin Peaks marked a significant departure from the typical...
Tacoma FD, a workplace comedy about first responders, is a hilarious take on the typical serious drama. With a talented cast and well-defined characters,...