The eternal churning of mediocre seasons notwithstanding, the impact of Matt Groening’s groundbreaking animated series The Simpsons can never be denied. However, another of...
As the premiere of Ahsoka on Disney+ approaches, a new promo has been revealed, featuring Hayden Christensen’s voice as Anakin Skywalker. The six-part series...
Lifetime’s acquisition of V.C. Andrews’ catalog marks a significant union between the author’s dark and twisted novels and the network’s female-centric programming. Andrews’ writing...
The latest installment of the popular television series “Sex and the City”, “And Just Like That…”, tries to recapture the relatability of the original...
The highly anticipated sequel, Zoey 102, to the iconic Nickelodeon series Zoey 101, has finally arrived, bringing back beloved characters from the original show...