As Pride Month begins, Kanopy, along with GLAAD, has carefully curated a comprehensive collection of renowned LGBTQ+ films, shows, and documentaries that promote understanding...
In the latest installment of the iconic Alien franchise, director Fede Álvarez crafts a chilling sci-fi horror experience that promises to surpass previous chapters....
The Simpsons, a timeless American sitcom, has entertained audiences for generations with its satirical humor and relatable characters. But beyond the laughs, the show...
The long-running reality juggernaut, The Real Housewives of New Jersey (RHONJ), finds itself at a crossroads. With whispers of cast changes and format shifts,...
After years of speculation, the highly anticipated animated sequel series to the beloved ‘Smallville’ is finally materializing. Michael Rosenbaum, who played the iconic character...