The Mission: Impossible franchise has consistently upped the ante with each installment, and the latest installment, Mission: Impossible 8, is no exception. With its...
The Fifty Shades series, consisting of three films released between 2015 and 2018, garnered widespread mockery throughout the 2010s. While the novels were guilty...
Jonathan Glazer’s film, The Zone of Interest, is a thought-provoking exploration of human nature, particularly during the Holocaust. By focusing on children, Glazer presents...
Tom Hanks’ storied acting career began with minor film roles, starting with the 1982 made-for-TV film “Mazes and Monsters”. This early work predated Hanks’...
The gangster movie genre has charmd audiences for decades, with its thrilling tales of crime, power, and betrayal. However, the true masterpieces of the...