CBS is developing a new procedural TV series, Einstein, which marks the third attempt to adapt the popular German series for American television. Creator...
Bridgerton is a show that effortlessly captures the essence of romance, transporting viewers to 19th-century London with its intricate world of love, drama, and...
\In the upcoming dramedy, Ezra, a struggling comedian and his autistic son go on a life-changing cross-country road trip. Directed by Tony Goldwyn, the...
Terence Fisher brought a new level of gore, sensuality, and vibrant colors to classic monster movies, revitalizing the genre. Fisher’s approach to the classic...
The upcoming Hulu series, Under the Bridge, has garnered attention not only due to its well-known actors, but also the impressive performance of newcomer...
Season 3 of True Detective was a game-changer for the franchise. After a disappointing second season, creator Nic Pizzolatto, with a newfound sense of...