Sean Byrne’s 2015 horror film, The Devil’s Candy, is a hauntingly effective exploration of the power of faith, family, and relationships. The story follows...
The beloved Pitch Perfect trilogy is seemingly poised for a continuation, with star Rebel Wilson hinting at a potential fourth installment. While no official...
The mysterytic rivalry between Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder, played by Timothy Olyphant and Walton Goggins respectively, was a cornerstone of FX’s beloved neo-Western...
Gene Hackman’s charming performance as the mystery jury consultant, Rankin Fitch, lies at the heart of the thrilling legal drama, Runaway Jury. Set against...
Netflix has announced the upcoming release of ‘Cheaters: Unfinished Business,’ a reality show focusing on ex-couples confronting infidelity. Hosted by television personality Amanda Holden,...