The story of ImageMovers Studios’ animation wing is a tale of innovation gone awry, led by director Robert Zemeckis who aimed to revolutionize filmmaking...
Willa Fitzgerald, known for her charming performances in horror series, joins forces with modern horror icon Kyle Gallner in her latest venture, Strange Darling....
Craig Conover and Austen Kroll encountered a significant bump in their friendship and working relationship on the latest episode of Southern Charm. “He just,...
The beloved sitcom “Community” faced controversy in 2020 when it was revealed that the beloved “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons” episode would be removed from...
The production of the 2017 film “American Made,” starring Tom Cruise as real-life pilot Barry Seal, was marred by tragedy. During filming, three pilots...
The beloved children’s program Bluey, known for its quirky humor and relatable characters, has faced controversy surrounding one particular episode – “Dad Baby.” This...
Despite upcoming season 14’s May 5th premiere, The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues to be plagued by drama and controversy. Recent allegations point...