The CBS reality show Survivor has been a groundbreaking platform for LGBTQ+ representation, showcasing queer individuals and their stories for 46 seasons. The show...
In the dystopian, post-apocalyptic world of Delicatessen, survival is a precarious endeavor, and the lines between right and wrong are blurred. This is evident...
Taylor Sheridan, the mastermind behind the acclaimed TV series Yellowstone, is exhibiting his trademark dedication to authenticity as he develops the spin-off series 6666....
Amy Slaton’s struggles with depression, acute stress disorder, and bipolar disorder serve as a harsh reality check for society, highlighting the lack of understanding...
The original “Jersey Shore,” not the revamped “Family Vacation,” is where we find the most iconic and cringe-worthy moments that continue to hook us...
In the recent announcement of the 96th Academy Awards nominations, it is undeniable that many exceptional films were overlooked, leaving a trail of disappointment...
Ari Aster’s filmography is a peculiar and singular entity, replete with films that are both fascinating and unsettling. Despite his relatively short career, Aster...