The world of anime is often associated with vibrant colors, catchy themes, and action-packed storylines, but beneath the surface lies a bleaker side that...
A Chinese documentary filmmaker has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for documenting China’s suppression of protests against Covid lockdowns in...
Snot is building anticipation for their upcoming reunion shows by keeping the identity of their new vocalist a closely guarded secret, only planning to...
George Lucas has reclaimed the top spot on Forbes’ early 2024 Rich List, surpassing his longtime friend and supporter Steven Spielberg. Lucas, the founder...
David Fincher’s Fight Club, released in 1999, has become a cult classic, sparking intense debate and discussion about its themes of violence, toxic masculinity,...
John Ford’s 1964 Western, Cheyenne Autumn, marked a significant shift in his depiction of Native Americans, as he emphasized their point of view and...
Jack Nicholson’s portrayal of R.P. McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a testament to his intense preparation and dedication. Nicholson’s character...