Fantasmas, a new project, takes a surreal and satirical approach to poking fun at reality TV, particularly the Real Housewives franchise. Creator and star...
The season finale of Doctor Who delivered a stunning revelation, revealing that Ruby Sunday’s mother, Louise Miller, is an unremarkable human with no connection...
A Chinese documentary filmmaker has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for documenting China’s suppression of protests against Covid lockdowns in...
Snot is building anticipation for their upcoming reunion shows by keeping the identity of their new vocalist a closely guarded secret, only planning to...
The upcoming horror film Imaginary, directed by Jeff Wadlow, is generating immense buzz due to its unorthodox promotional strategies and focus on rekindling the...
The Blue Eye Samurai, a renowned artist, has showcased their exceptional talent by transporting viewers to dreamlike worlds, charming the imagination with their latest...
The American culture has been heavily influenced by film and television, providing endless entertainment and escapism to audiences for decades. Westerns have consistently been...