In the midst of a global pandemic, the popularity of true crime documentaries has skyrocketed, charming audiences with their gripping narratives and haunting subject...
Craig Conover and Austen Kroll encountered a significant bump in their friendship and working relationship on the latest episode of Southern Charm. “He just,...
Francis Ford Coppola’s highly anticipated passion project, Megalopolis, is finally nearing completion after over a decade of scriptwriting. The sci-fi epic brings together elements...
The sudden cancellation of Netflix’s Mindhunter left fans reeling, as the show’s fate was decided due to its high production costs and low viewership...
Alfred Hitchcock is renowned for crafting iconic and complex villains in his films, from the sinister Mrs. Danvers to the cunning Phillip Vandamm. However,...
Estelle Getty’s portrayal of Sophia Petrillo in the hit TV show “The Golden Girls” catapulted her into international fame. What made Sophia so beloved...
The 2002 psychological thriller “Murder by Numbers” starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling may seem like just another crime story on the surface, but...