Matteo Garrone’s film “Gomorrah” is a stark portrayal of Naples’ mafia life, going into the dark criminal underworld without glorifying it. Based on Roberto...
Kanopy, a popular streaming service, has partnered with GLAAD to celebrate Pride Month by offering a diverse range of groundbreaking LGBTQ+ films and documentaries....
Bill Skarsgård has opened up about the challenges he faced while filming the climactic scene of Nosferatu, Robert Eggers’ highly anticipated adaptation of the...
Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, a cult classic released in 1997, remains a cherished favorite among fans. However, the 2005 TV movie prequel,...
As the premiere of Ahsoka on Disney+ approaches, a new promo has been revealed, featuring Hayden Christensen’s voice as Anakin Skywalker. The six-part series...
Judy Greer’s name is synonymous with comedic genius, having brought laughter to audiences in numerous films. However, her latest venture, Aporia, marks a bold...