In a recent interview, Gints Zilbalodis, the director of Flow, shared the creative process behind his groundbreaking animated film, which immerses the audience in...
A Chinese documentary filmmaker has been sentenced to more than three years in prison for documenting China’s suppression of protests against Covid lockdowns in...
Snot is building anticipation for their upcoming reunion shows by keeping the identity of their new vocalist a closely guarded secret, only planning to...
The Strictly Come Dancing final has arrived, and among the finalists is 26-year-old Tasha Ghouri—a model, TV personality, charity ambassador, and trailblazer. Ghouri first...
Sony has solidified its collaboration with Spider-Man star Tom Holland, signing a production deal with Holland’s newly established label, Billy17. The label, founded alongside...
Sony has reportedly decided to cancel plans for further Spider-Man spinoff movies in its Sony Spider-Man Universe (SSU). This decision comes after multiple box...