The new horror series, Teacup, is a masterclass in building tension and paranoia, with a talented cast and top-notch body horror elements that create...
EastEnders actress Jacqueline Jossa experienced a terrifying burglary while vacationing in Marbella. Thieves targeted her holiday home, making off with £20,000 worth of valuables,...
Craig Conover and Austen Kroll encountered a significant bump in their friendship and working relationship on the latest episode of Southern Charm. “He just,...
Tahar Rahim brings to life the complex character of Ezekiel Sims in Sony’s latest Spider-Verse movie, Madame Web. Ezekiel has the power of premonition...
“The Long Walk”, a dystopian novella written by Stephen King under the pseudonym Richard Bachman, has been a subject of interest for potential filmmakers,...
The 1990 miniseries adaptation of Stephen King’s novel IT is often overlooked when discussing beloved horror classics, but it has since garnered a cult...