Michael Moore has become an executive producer for From Ground Zero, a recently shortlisted Palestinian film for the Best International Film category at the...
After facing backlash for his criticism of Selena Gomez’s performance in Emilia Pérez, Eugenio Derbez has issued a heartfelt apology, following a response from...
Rachel Lindsay appears to be thriving after finalizing her divorce from Bryan Abasolo. On Saturday, Jan. 18, the 39-year-old Bachelorette alum made her first...
The film “Bodies, Bodies, Bodies” has generated a peculiar reputation for its portrayal of Generation Z, often being ridiculed for its stereotypes. However, the...
Jonathan Demme’s masterclass thriller, The Silence of the Lambs, is a chilling tale of complex characters, gruesome crimes, and the cat-and-mouse game between FBI...